Our Partners


Since 2013, the FUNDS FOR GOOD IMPACT non-profit organisation has worked in close collaboration with micro-finance institutions, cooperative banks, public bodies and crowd-funding organizations to finance and support people in precarious situations or those with a societal project, and allow them to start their business activity.

We have been fortunate to have been accompanied for years by people who share our values and a common goal. This collaboration allows us to be able to extend our social action throughout Belgium and even to other countries such as France, Luxembourg and Spain.


microStart is an organization active in micro-credit in Belgium. Composed of a social-purpose cooperative and a non-profit organization, microStart finances, through small loans, people who want to create a small business or develop a business that they have already created. Created in 2010 by Adie, a pioneer institution in Europe, BNP Paribas Fortis and the European Investment Fund, microStart is one of the most dynamic and innovative European organizations in the field of professional micro-credit. Since 2014, microStart chaired the European Microfinance Network, which brings together more than 80 European organizations active in this field. microStart promotes a vision whereby every man and woman, regardless of income, level of education or origin, has a fundamental right to economic initiative that enables them to take their destiny in their own hands. Its values are trust, solidarity, respect, professionalism and innovation.


BRUSOC’s mission is to support the creation and development of very small businesses in the Brussels region and to support the region’s integration social economy initiatives. Brusoc is part of the finance & invest.brussels group, a public company based in Brussels that facilitates and completes the financing chain for value-creating companies in the Brussels Region. finance & invest.brussels is aimed at two specific audiences: on one hand, start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs and, on the other hand, very small businesses, social enterprises and cooperatives. The finance & invest.brussels investment approach is based on a lasting and constructive partnership with the company, supporting it in all phases of its development. It nevertheless pursues an objective of generating a return by ensuring the profitability of its investments.


Credal offers micro-credit to the self-employed in Wallonia and Brussels. These are loans intended to start or develop a small business or larger entrepreneurial projects with social, societal or environmental added value. Micro-credit is part of Credal’s mission, with the idea of creating a more sustainable society through ethical and solidarity-based finance and of helping project leaders create, maintain or develop their jobs. Micro-credit thus enables people with difficult or unsuitable banking access to start or develop their project. Credal also offers support before, during and also after the start of the entrepreneur’s activity.


LITA.co is a European group created in 2014 that organizes fundraising for companies with a social or environmental impact. LITA.co has developed a process for selecting companies to support based on environmental, social and governance criteria, as well as their participation in sustainable development goals. A committee of experts selects companies that are ready to raise funds. They are then assisted with their fundraising on the platform.


Change is a social impact investment fund managed by Credal. Their vision: to transform the current economic world to make it more sustainable and fairer. A desire to make Belgium a platform for social innovation thanks to the emergence of new companies which contribute to the positive transformation of our society. To achieve this, Change invests in innovative social enterprises in the start-up or growth phase. Change is an “impact first” investment fund. The “Impact First” approach is, above all, focused on the potential social impact of the projects supported.


Adie is an association recognized as being in the public interest and which helps people removed from the labour market and the banking system to set up their business and, thus, their own job through micro-credit. Since its inception, Adie’s missions have been to finance, through micro-credit, creators who do not have access to bank credit and to support creators before, during and after the creation of their business thanks to the 1,300 volunteers who are committed to it on a daily basis. This support takes the form of both group training and personalized follow-up in areas as varied as management, administrative procedures, business development, legal advice or taxation.


Microlux, the first micro-finance institution in Luxembourg, was created as a Société Anonyme (Public Limited Company) on 31 March 2016 by ADA, BGL BNP Paribas, ADIE and the FEI. Based on the observation that financial exclusion is also a reality in Luxembourg, microlux has given itself the missions of offering support and micro-credit to people wishing to create or develop an economic activity and who do not have access to traditional bank credit. The aim is to improve their professional development and their living conditions.


Treball Solidari was founded in 2000 in Palma de Mallorca by young economists and journalists with the aim of supporting human development. Since it was founded, it has supported the implementation of more than 85 development projects in the poorest countries of Central America, South America and Africa. In 2011, driven by the need to act in the face of the serious economic crisis suffered by Spanish society, Treball Solidari launched its micro-credit program in Mallorca for the self-employment of women in vulnerable situations. Since then, other lines of action have joined: some to promote female entrepreneurship and others to promote social integration of the most disadvantaged groups.


Solifin supports impact entrepreneurship by facilitating the financing of social and environmental projects and by creating networks. Solifin is an association that was created in 2019 and is composed of 7 founding members: Citizenfund, Credal, Lita.co, Scale Up, SI2 fund, Triodos Bank et Village Finance. Solifin is convinced that money can have a positive impact on society when it is used in the service of a real economy that innovates and responds to social and environmental issues.